53 research outputs found

    Pola Distribusi Industri Makanan Skala Kecil

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    POLA DISTRIBUSI INDUSTRI MAKANAN SKALA KECILTeguh BarotoStaf Pengajar Jurusan Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Muhammadiyah MalangAlamat Korespondensi : Jl. Tegalgondo Asri 2J/23Hp : 0811366238, Email: [email protected] snack industries have been closed. They are become the losser in high competition.Market was dominated by the big industry. Some home industries that produce snack still surviveand become the winner. They have a different method to distribute their product.This research focus on the distribution model or method in home industries that producesnack. The last research show that competitive advantage is on a qualitative factor. Based on thatresult , this research will develop a qualitative distribution model to increase a competitive advantageof a snack company.As a result, distribution must be integrated proportionally among customer-retailer-salesdistributor-company. Customer is most important, thenshort term sales visit periodically, as soon asreplace the expired produck, and konsignation. Target all segmen children and adult. Children needa chily, aromatic, sticky, hig volume, made from mill, not natural, ligh red colour, full powder, andcrispy snack. Adult people like a natural colour, natural ingredient,variety and hygienis snack.Keyword: Model, Distribution, Food, Small Industr

    Analisis Strategi Pengembangan Industri Kecil Pakaian Jadi Dengan Pendekatan Contingent Strategic Success Formula

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    Companies that are categorized as small industries face many difficulties to keep survive or to develop their products. The subject of this study was convection home industry with the commodity as follows: Muslim clothes, sport shirt, baby clothes, children clothes, bed covers, veils, and many kinds of embroidery products. The purpose of CSSF (Contingent Strategic Success Formula) approach was to analyze the formula of success strategy by combining the internal condition with external condition of the company. The ways to do that were by measuring, estimating, and predicting the environment condition of the company at this time and at the specific time in the future. The measuring of internal condition of the company is aimed to know the things that need to be repaired so the company can fulfill the requirement of optimal external condition in the future. The finding of this study was shown in 4 cases. First, the variables that have influence in convection home industry were 36 industries. Second, there were 3 clusters of convection home industries, those were: Cluster 1, the companies of embroidery convection that lack of success, and Cluster 2 and 3, the company with mass production that success enough and very success. Cluster 1 was categorized as the company that left behind in the competition and its agresivieness and responssiveness is under environment turbulence. Cluster 2 was success enough because the turbulence difference with agresiveness and responssiveness is not wide. Cluster 3 was the best one because the company was number one in the competition and its agresiveness and resposiveness exceed the environment turbulence at this time. Three, to get success in the future, the company need to fulfill the optimal internal condition that suitable with the level of turbulency. It is better for the companies to apply 3 succeed marketing points, those are: to develop the positioning of the products in the specific SBA, create the strong differences, create mark equities, or the emotional relationship with the customer


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    Sepakbola merupakan cabang olahraga yang paling fenomenal di dunia termasuk di Indonesia. Saat ini sepak bola menjadi olahraga paling populer di Indonesia, dimainkan oleh orang dewasa hingga anak-anak, dan dimainkan mulai dari lapangan sepak bola hingga ke jalan di gang-gang sempit permukiman. Namun, antusiasme masyarakat Indonesia yang tinggi terhadap sepak bola berbanding terbalik dengan prestasi sepak bola Indonesia di kancah internasional. Indonesia sendiri disebut-sebut sebagai salah satu ladang pesepakbola muda berbakat. Pembinaan pemain sepak bola sejak usia dini dinilai sebagai upaya yang diharuskan untuk memajukan sepakbola Indonesia. Dan hal ini sejak dulu sudah menjadi wacana yang selalu diangkat oleh banyak kalangan. Sebagai realisasi dari wacana tersebut, para praktisi dan pecinta sepak bola mulai mendirikan akademi sepak bola di berbagai daerah

    Perencanaan Strategi Pemasaran Dengan Metode Multidimensional Scalling Dan Quality Function Deployment

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    Modern market is growing in Indonesia. In its development, the company strives to provide the best to be superior to existing competitors. Supermarket Lion Superindo is one of the supermarkets in the city of Malang, based on observations, it is known that people are still not familiar with the supermarket, so this study aims to find out what attributes required by customers, the position of the supermarket today and how where to plan the right marketing strategy to increase consumer loyalty. Positioning the company carried out using the method of Multi dimensioanl Scaling, so that it’s known that a competitor who has a lot of similarities with Lion Superindo is Giant Kawi and Loka, attributes that are considered good is the price, while the attributes of a product, place, promotion, employee, service and physical evidence still needs to be repairs / improvements. Planning strategies using Quality Function Development, this method of translating the 19 attributes that consumers desire into 28 technical response given the enterprise, so strategies are made will be in accordance with what consumers need. From planning conducted found 3 strategies that will be proposed is increasing the quality of products and services, pengembanga innovation to the concept of supermarkets and increased media information and promotional activities to consumers

    Penguatan Aspek Produksi dan Pemasaran pada Usaha Keripik Singkong Mix Sayur

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    Bunda Mandiri merupakan usaha kecil yang membuat keripik singkong mix sayur dengan merek “Singtoss”. Permasalahan dari aspek produksi adalah waktu pemipihan adonan keripik masih lama karena menggunakan mesin penggiling manual.  Selain itu, pemilik usaha berkeinginan untuk memasarkan produk  ke toko oleh-oleh yang tersebar banyak di wilayah Malang, namun terkendala dengan adanya  persyaratan toko yaitu  mewajibkan produk  memiliki PIRT dan sertifikat halal MUI. Oleh karena itu tujuan program kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah melakukan inovasi proses untuk mempercepat waktu pemipihan adonan dan meningkatkan pemasaran produk dengan menciptakan keunggulan melalui produk halal. Kegiatan dilakukan melalui difusi teknologi proses produksi dan pengemasan produk serta advokasi dalam bentuk pendampingan pengajuan sertifikasi halal dan pengoperasian mesin. Hasil yang diperoleh dari kegiatan PKM adalah penggunaan mesin penggiling adonan keripik dalam proses produksi, desain kemasan yang baru dengan mencantumkan logo halal MUI, peningkatan pengetahuan pemilik usaha mengenai proses sertifikasi halal dan desain kemasan, serta peningkatan ketrampilan dalam mengoperasikan mesin penggiling. Keberhasilan kegiatan  ini dapat diukur dari peningkatan kuantitas produksi dari 6 kg/hari menjadi 14 kg/hari atau naik 150%. Selain itu omzet penjualan produk naik 1,5-2 kali lipat dibandingkan kondisi awal


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisa sambungan las square butt joint terhadap beberapa variasi ketebalan plat dengan uji tarik. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimen dan dilaksanakan di laboratorium pengujian bahan Akademi Teknologi Warga Surakarta, menggunakan material St 37 dengan las SMAW dan elektroda yang digunakan AWS E6013 diameter elektroda 2,6 mm dan tegangan arus sebesar 85 Ampare. Hasil pengujian uji tarik yang telah dilakukan dapat dilihat bahwa spesimen 3 mm yang di las menggunakan sambungan las square butt joint, patahan terjadi di daerah gage length karena hasil pengelasan tertutup penuh dan tegangan minimum yang diperoleh 396,82 N/mm2. Pada spesimen 5 mm yang di las menggunakan sambungan las square butt joint, tegangan maksimum yang diperoleh sebesar 594,40 N/mm2, sedangkan pada spesimen 7 mm tegangan mengalami penurunan sebesar 6,48 % dan dari hasil uji tarik oleh spesimen 5 mm dan 7 mm, patahan terjadi pada sambungan las. Pada sambungan las spesimen 7 mm terlihat dari hasil pengelasan ada rongga atau celah. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa lasan tidak penuh.   ABSTRACT   This study was conducted to analyze the square butt joint of several variations in plate thickness with a tensile test. The method used in this research is an experimental method and is carried out in the laboratory for testing the materials of the Surakarta Citizens' Academy of Technology, using the St 37 material with SMAW welding and the electrode used is AWS E6013 electrode diameter of 2.6 mm and a current voltage of 85 Ampare. The results of the tensile test that have been carried out can be seen that the 3 mm specimen that was welded using a square butt joint, the fracture occurred in the gage length area because the welding results were fully closed and the minimum stress obtained was 396.82 N / mm2. In 5 mm specimens that were welded using a square butt joint, the maximum stress obtained was 594.40 N / mm2, while in 7 mm specimens the stress decreased by 6.48% and from the tensile test results by 5 mm and 7 specimens. mm, the fracture occurs at the weld joint. At the 7 mm specimen weld joint, it can be seen from the welding results that there is a cavity or gap. This indicates that the weld is not full
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